In this section we show you how to configure channel alarms. You can set high or low alarms on any channel in Zednet by specifying a threshold value that will trigger the alarm. You can set alarms to only trigger between certain times, set the the alarm sensitivity (e.g., how many consecutive values below or above the threshold will trigger the alarm) and specify who alarm notifications should be emailed to.
How to create a channel alarm:
- In the navigation panel click on Channels.
- Select an existing channel you would like to add an alarm to or create a new channel to add an alarm to.
- Once you have selected a channel, click the config drop-down button in the channel's properties panel
- Select alarms from the resulting menu.
- The Channel Alarms Editor will pop up. In the left panel click add to add a new alarm to your selected channel.
- Configure the threshold value for your alarm and choose the alarm type (high or low).
- If you want your alarm to only trigger between certain times of day check the enabled checkbox under "time based" and specify a start time and end time.
- Customise the sensitivity of your alarm by configuring how long before an alarm is reset (an alarm only triggers once until it is reset). You can also specify how many consecutive values above (high alarm) or below (low alarm) the threshold are required to trigger the alarm.
- Add the email addresses you want the alarm notifications to be sent to. Separate multiple email addresses by a "," (e.g.,,
- Once you have configured your alarm press the save button to add it to your selected channel.
- To remove an alarm, simply select the alarm in the left panel of the channel alarms editor and press the delete button.
The config drop-down menu is located at the top right of your channel's properties pannel.
The channel alarms editor.